Anders Blok

Anders Blok


  1. 2017
  2. Udgivet

    Data Platforms and Cities

    Blok, Anders, Courmont, A., Hoyng, R., Marquet, C., Minor, Kelton Ray, Nold, C. & Young, M., 2017, I: Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies. 8, 2, s. 175-182

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  3. Udgivet

    Deep in the maze: urban nature and repetitions of the not-quite-similar

    Blok, Anders, 2017, Moving Plants. Rønnebæksholm, Næstved: Narayana Press, s. 105-117

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiFormidling

  4. Udgivet

    Infrastructuring new urban common worlds? On material politics, civic attachments and partially existing wind turbines

    Blok, Anders, 2017, Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion. Harvey, P., Jensen, C. B. & Morita, A. (red.). Abingdon: Routledge, s. 102-114

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  5. Udgivet

    Scoping endangered futures: Rethinking the political aesthetics of climate change in world risk society

    Blok, Anders, 2017, I: STS Encounters - DASTS working paper series. 9, 1, s. 1-18

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  6. Udgivet

    Stitching together the heterogenous party: A complementary social data science experiment

    Blok, Anders, Carlsen, Hjalmar Alexander Bang, Jørgensen, T. B., Madsen, M. M., Ralund, Snorre & Pedersen, Morten Axel, 2017, I: Big Data & Society. s. 1-15

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  7. Udgivet

    UTOPIA. Kort, kollektivt feltarbejde i stor skala

    Blok, Anders, Bøgkjær, T. D., Due, T. D., Fritsch, E., Hansen, C. J., Hedegaard, Marianne, Jensen, L. N., Pedersen, M. M. S. & Rubow, Cecilie, 2017, I: Tidsskriftet Antropologi. 76, s. 37-54

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  8. Udgivet

    UTOPIA:Kort, kollektivt feltarbejde i stor skala

    Blok, Anders, Bøgkler, T., Aarup Due, T., Fritsch, E., Hansen, C. J., Hedegaard, Marianne, Jensen, L. N., Stahl Pedersen, M. M. & Rubow, Cecilie, 2017, I: Tidskriftet Antropologi. 2017, 76, s. 37-54 18 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    STS in the city

    Farías, I. & Blok, Anders, 2017, The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Felt, U., Fouché, R., Miller, C. A. & Smith-Doerr, L. (red.). 4 udg. MIT Press, s. 555-581

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