Bolette Moldenhawer

Bolette Moldenhawer

Associate Professor Emerita

Primary fields of research

Research field:

  • Sociology of education, including studies of schooling and socialisation i the Nordic countries, secondary in England and France
  • State formation processes studied through political and professional interventions.
  • ethnic minorites and education in a transnational and comparative perspective.
  • Studies of integration and migration in a transnational and international persperctive.
  • Studies of ethnicity, culture and nation state building.  


Current research

Existing and former research projects

  • Pedagogical work with asylum seeking and newly arrived children in Denmark in interactions between public schools, asylum centre and administration. 
  • Relations between pedagogic and forms of welfare state vs. neoliberal state transformation processes. 
  • The political history of categorisations, classifications and interventions addressing "the immigrant", 1945 - 2014.
  • Studies of fractures, dislocations and disruptions in the educational field


My competences as a teacher and superviser om BA-, MA- and Ph.d. level are within the following areas:

  • Socialisation, education and civilisation
  • Cultural and social processes in educational institutions.
  • Education and policy of education in a comparative and global perspective.
  • State formation processes and pedagogical work in a comparative and historical perspective.
  • Studies of migration, ethnicity, nationbuilding, culture og integration.
  • Pedagogical evaluation, philosophy of science and research methods in education. 

ID: 8699