Benedikte Brincker

Benedikte Brincker


  1. 2024
  2. Udgivet

    Attraction and attrition under extreme conditions: integrating insights on PSM, SOC-R, SOC and excitement motivation

    Brincker, Benedikte & Pedersen, Lene Holm, 2024, Public Service Motivation : Beyond the Boundary of Public Management. Boyd, N. (red.). Abingdon: Routledge

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  3. Accepteret/In press

    Indigenous lessons on how to slaughter a polar bear. Exploring sustainability and sense-making in a post-growth economy.

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: The Arctic Yearbook. 2024

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  4. Accepteret/In press

    The Nordic Region

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) The Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Nationalism. Hearn, J., Halikiopoulou, D. & Krasniqi, G. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing

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  5. 2023
  6. Udgivet

    A walk on the wild side: on the motivation of immigrant workers to provide public service in Greenland

    Brincker, Benedikte & Pedersen, Lene Holm, 2023, Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North. Hirshberg, D., Mhairi, B., Maxwell, G., Turunen, T. & Peltokorpi, J. (red.). Cham: Springer, s. 197-212 (Springer Polar Sciences).

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  7. Udgivet
  8. 2022
  9. Udgivet

    Greenland: Autonomy in the Arctic region

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2022, Routledge Handbook of Comparative Territorial Autonomies. Fong, B. & Ichijo, A. (red.). Routledge, s. 166-177

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  10. Udgivet

    International and National currents on the Danish Music Scene 1860-1930

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2022, Culture and Conflict: Nation-building in Denmark and Scandinavia 1800-1930. Krogh, S., Grand, K. L. & Mednick, T. (red.). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 95-108

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  11. 2021
  12. Udgivet

    On solidarity and volunteering during the COVID-19 crisis in Denmark: The impact of social networks and social media groups on the distribution of support

    Carlsen, Hjalmar Alexander Bang, Toubøl, Jonas & Brincker, Benedikte, 2021, I: European Societies. 23, sup 1, s. 122-140

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  13. Udgivet

    The Aesthetic and the Sacred: David Martin's passion for Music

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2021, I: Nations and Nationalism. 27, 1, s. 18-21

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  14. Udgivet

    The David Martin Symposium: Introduction

    Halikiopoulou, D. & Brincker, Benedikte, 2021, I: Nations and Nationalism. 27, 1, s. 8-9

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  15. 2020
  16. Udgivet

    Solidaritet og frivillighed under coronakrisen: Netværks betydning for fordelingen af uformel civil hjælp

    Christensen, M. L., Lemminger, E. B., Haarmark Nielsen, M., Holm Salka, J., Brincker, Benedikte, Carlsen, Hjalmar Alexander Bang & Toubøl, Jonas, 1 dec. 2020, Det epidemiske samfund. B. Jensen, O. & Schultz, N. (red.). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 229-246

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  17. Udgivet

    Attraction and attrition under extreme conditions: Integrating insights on PSM, SOC-R, SOC and excitement motivation

    Brincker, Benedikte & Pedersen, Lene Holm, 2 jul. 2020, I: Public Management Review . 22, 7, s. 1051-1069

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  18. Udgivet

    On the Roles of Institutions and Agency in Nationalism and the Relations between Them: A Theoretical Enquiry into the Study of Nationalism, Its Present and Future

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2020, I: Sociology. 54, 6, s. 1105 1121 s.

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  19. 2019
  20. Udgivet

    Attraction and attrition – integrating insights from PSM, SOC, SOC-R and excitement motivation

    Brincker, Benedikte & Pedersen, Lene Holm, 2019, Attraction and attrition – integrating insights from PSM, SOC, SOC-R and excitement motivation.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  21. Udgivet

    Building a nation in the class-room: exploring education policy in post-colonial Greenland

    Brincker, Benedikte & Lennert, M., 2019, Including the North: a comparative study of the policies of inclusion and equity in the circumpolar north. Beaton, M. C., Hirshberg, D., Maxwell, G. R. & Spratt, J. (red.). Rovaniemi: Lapland University Press, s. 43-57 14 s.

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  22. Introducing the Second Edition of Introduction to Political Sociology

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2019, Introduction to Political Sociology. Brincker, B. (red.). 2 udg. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 9-16 7 s.

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  23. Udgivet

    Introduction to Political Sociology

    Brincker, Benedikte (red.), 2019, 2 udg. Hans Reitzels Forlag. 359 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskningfagfællebedømt

  24. Udgivet

    Making and Un-making Boundaries: exploring the Agency of Artists. Keynote at conference on borders and boundaries in 19th Century Nordic countries.

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2019, Making and Un-making Boundaries: exploring the Agency of Artists. Key note at Conference on borders and boundaries in 1900th Century Nordic countries. .

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  25. National Experiences and Varieties

    Hall, J. A. & Brincker, Benedikte, 2019, Introduction to Political Sociology. Brincker, B. (red.). 2 udg. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag

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  26. 2018
  27. Udgivet

    A walk on the wild side – on the motivation to provide public service in Arctic areas

    Brincker, Benedikte & Pedersen, Lene Holm, 2018, A walk on the wild side – on the motivation to provide public service in Arctic areas.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  28. Udgivet

    Anthony D. Smith and the role of art, architecture, and music in the growth of modern nations

    Brincker, Benedikte & Leoussi, A., 2018, I: Nations and Nationalism. 24, 2, s. 312-326 14 s.

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  29. Udgivet

    Cultural Mobilization and Ethnopolitics: On Indigenous Nationalism in the Arctic

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2018, Cultural Mobilization and Ethnopolitics: On Indigenous Nationalism in the Arctic.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  30. Udgivet

    National-Classical Music’

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2018, Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism. Leerssen, J. (red.). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

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  31. 2017
  32. Udgivet

    Images of the Arctic: Visualizing Greenland as an indigenous people and a modern nation

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2017, I: Visual Studies. 32, 3, s. 251-261 10 s.

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  33. Udgivet

    Nation and Classical Music – A Perspective from the City

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2017, Nation and Classical Music – A Perspective from the City.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  34. Udgivet

    Sense-making and governance in the Age of the Anthropocene – Indigeneous lessons of how to slaughter a polar bear’

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2017, Sense-making and governance in the Age of the Anthropocene – Indigeneous lessons of how to slaughter a polar bear’.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  35. Udgivet

    Social Symbolic Work in Context: Promoting Regional Development through the Good Organisation

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2017, ’Social Symbolic Work in Context: Promoting Regional Development through the Good Organisation.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  36. 2016
  37. Udgivet

    Det banales betydning

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2016, Værdier, videnskab og visioner: Festskrift til Peter Gundelach. Järvinen, M., Marckmann, B. & Nørregård-Nielsen, E. (red.). København: Djøf Forlag, s. 137-147 10 s.

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  38. 2015
  39. Udgivet

    A delicate balance between different dependencies: A case-study of Greenland in the Arctic Region’

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2015, A delicate balance between different dependencies: A case-study of Greenland in the Arctic Region’.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  40. Udgivet

    Grønland: Oprindeligt folk og moderne nation.

    Brincker, Benedikte & Nørregård-Nielsen, E., 2015, I: Dansk Sociologi. 25, 4, s. 5-11 6 s.

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  41. 2014
  42. Udgivet

    Dilemmas of nationhood: Analysing secessionist nationalism in Greenland

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2014, Dilemmas of nationhood: Analysing secessionist nationalism in Greenland.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

  43. Udgivet

    Introduction to themed section on Classical Music and Nationalism: Studies into the Political Function of Art

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2014, I: Nations and Nationalism. 20, 4, s. 603-605 2 s.

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  44. Udgivet

    The role of Classical Music in the construction of Nationalism: A cross-national Perspective’

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2014, I: Nations and Nationalism. 20, 4, s. 664-682 18 s.

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  45. 2013
  46. Udgivet

    An introduction to an introduction

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2013, Introduction to Political Sociology. Brincker, B. (red.). 1st Edition udg. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 9-14 5 s.

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  47. Udgivet

    Introduction to Political Sociology

    Brincker, Benedikte (red.), 2013, 1st Edition udg. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

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  48. Udgivet

    Seventh Nations and Nationalism debate: Joep Leerssen’s National Thought in Europe: A Cultural History

    Brincker, Benedikte, Hearn, J., Zimmer, O. & Leerssen, J., 2013, I: Nations and Nationalism. 19, 3, s. 408-433 25 s.

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  49. 2012
  50. Udgivet

    TYPO3 – A Commercial Open Source Software Community

    Brincker, Benedikte & Gundelach, Peter, 2012, The Janus Face of Commercial Open Source Software Communities. Westenholz, A. (red.). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, s. 53-98 45 s.

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  51. 2011
  52. Udgivet

    Danmark som konkurrencestat og nation brand

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2011, I: Jyske Historiker. 126, s. 60-74 14 s.

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  53. 2010
  54. Udgivet

    A la Carte Community: Identity and Values in the Open Source Software Project TYPO3

    Brincker, Benedikte & Gundelach, Peter, 2010, I: Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems. 22, 1, s. 27-44 17 s.

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  55. Udgivet

    Software as Risk: Introduction of open standards in the Danish public sector

    Brincker, Benedikte & Federspiel, S. B., 2010, I: The Information Society. s. 38-47 9 s.

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  56. 2009
  57. Udgivet

    When did the Danish nation emerge: A review of Danish historians attempts to date the Danish nation

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2009, I: National Identities. 11, 4, s. 353-365 13 s.

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  58. 2008
  59. Udgivet

    The role of classical music in the construction of nationalism: An analysis of Danish consensus nationalism and the reception of Carl Nielsen

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2008, I: Nations and Nationalism. 14, 4, s. 684-699 16 s.

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  60. 2007
  61. Udgivet

    Building a public with LEGO: between brand and consumer

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2007, New Publics with/out Democracy. Bang, H. P. & Esmark, A. (red.). Frb.: Samfundslitteratur, s. 213-231 19 s.

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  62. 2005
  63. Udgivet

    Sociologists in action: a critical exploration of the Intervention Method

    Brincker, Benedikte & Gundelach, Peter, 2005, I: Acta Sociologica. 48, 4, s. 365-375

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  64. 2004
  65. Udgivet

    Anm. af Smith: Nationalisme. Hans Reitzel, 2003 & Anderson: Forestillede fællesskaber. Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2001

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2004, I: Politica - Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab. 36, 3, s. 360-363

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftAnmeldelseFormidling

  66. Udgivet

    Cultural Foundations of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: The Cases of Britain, Denmark and Germany

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2004, Copenhagen: Forlaget Politiske Studier. 359 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning

  67. Udgivet

    Musical constuctions of nationalism: a comparative study of Bartók and Stravinsky

    Brincker, Benedikte & Brincker, J., 2004, I: Nations and Nationalism. 10, 4, s. 579-597

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  68. 2003
  69. Udgivet

    A "Small Great National State" An analysis of the cultural and colitical factors that shaped danish nationalism 1760-1870

    Brincker, Benedikte, 2003, I: Journal of Historical Sociology. 16, 4, s. 407-431

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  70. Udgivet

    I nationens tjeneste

    Brincker, J. & Brincker, Benedikte, 2003, Musik & Forskning 28. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, s. 61-77

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