20. december 2019

Selling Drugs on Darkweb Cryptomarkets: Differentiated Pathways, Risks and Rewards

Associate Professor Jakob Demant recently contributed to ‘The British Journal of Criminology’  with the publication ‘Selling Drugs on Darkweb Cryptomarkets: Differentiated Pathways, Risks and Rewards’.

The paper sheds light on the differentiated motivations for cryptomarket selling. Based on 13 interviews with a hard to reach population, and data analysis critically framed from perspectives of economic calculation, the seductions of crime, and drift and techniques of neutralization is examined.

Throughout the interviews, the researchers observe an appreciation for the gentrified norms of cryptomarkets and conclude that cryptomarket sellers are motivated by concerns of risks and material rewards, as well as non-material attractions in a variety of ways that both correspond with, and differ from, existing theories of drug selling.

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