5. september 2015

The Danish Welfare State

The Danish Welfare State is a comprehensive new examination of how risk is transforming a modern European welfare state. The book argues that life in a modern welfare state is changing rapidly, and that different forms of risks and the management of risks play an important role in these changes. Through different sociological methods a broad range of welfare areas are analyzed in the book: globalization, social investment, labor marked, inequality, values, family life, education, health, aging, crime, alcohol use, refugees and cash benefit recipients. These analyses at macro, meso, and micro levels reveal how the different ways that risks are perceived and handled, both collectively and individually, is influencing and changing the design of the Danish welfare state and also our understanding of it.

The Danish Welfare State (ed. Tea Torbenfeldt Bengtsson, Morten Frederiksen and Jørgen Elm Larsen); Palgrave; 2015