Introduction: Movements and Morality

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The introductory chapter argues why there is a need for a book on movements and morality and how this volume meets this need. It introduces the twofold purpose of the book: insights into the moral foundations of current civic struggles and political conflicts and developing theoretical, empirical, and methodological approaches to studying morality in movements. Then a review of the development of the field of social movement research reveals how morality is treated fragmentarily, which leads to a discussion of the terminological tempest of morality and an introduction of the three moral dimensions that structure the book: selves in interaction, rationalization and justification, and culture and tradition. The contributions to the volume are introduced according to these three dimensions, and a final section points to the methodological creativity and diversity that characterizes the volume, attesting to the fruitfulness of a research agenda centered on movements and morality.
TitelThe Power of Morality in Movements : Civic Engagement in Climate Justice, Human Rights, and Democracy
RedaktørerAnders Sevelsted, Jonas Toubøl
Antal sider11
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-030-98797-8
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-030-98798-5
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnNonprofit and Civil Society Studies

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