Nye udgivelser
Trade unionism in Europe: Are the working class still members?
03.04.2019 -
Why You Should Always Include a Random Slope for the Lower-Level Variable Involved in a Cross-Level Interaction
06.02.2019 -
Modalities of cosmopolitanism and mobility: parental education strategies of global, immigrant and local middle-class Israelis
25.01.2019 -
Controlling intimacy: Sexual scripts among men and women in prostitution
19.12.2018 -
From democratic participation to civic resistance
14.12.2018 -
Israeli teachers make sense of global citizenship education in a divided society
07.11.2018 -
Bourdieu Plus: Understanding the Creation of Agentic, Aspirational Girl Subjects in Elite Schools
31.10.2018 -
‘Maturing out’ as normative standard: qualitative interviews with young adult drinkers
31.10.2018 -
A Matter of Rules? A Longitudinal Study of Parents’ Influence on Young People’s Drinking Trajectories
31.10.2018 -
Social Mobility and Perceived Discrimination: Adding an Intergenerational Perspective
24.10.2018 -
Risking Antimicrobial Resistance: A collection of one-health studies of antibiotics and its social and health consequences
12.10.2018 -
Mod til helhjertethed: Når medarbejdere rejser sig fra arbejdslivets nedture
05.10.2018 -
What is 'Good Doctoring' When Antibiotic Resistance is a Global Threat?
05.10.2018 -
How does mobility shape parental strategies?
03.10.2018 -
Book Review: Love and Society: Special Social Forms and The Master Emotion
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