Afsluttede forskningsprojekter
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- Den Danske Værdiundersøgelse (del af European Values Survey) (collaborativt projekt, nu forankret ved Aalborg Universitet, Peter Gundelach, 1981 -)
- Diverging Destinies - Introducing the Role of Social Environment and Genetic Sensitivity in the Effects of Family Instability (Lisbeth Loft, 2016-2019)
- The Moral Economy of Families (postdoc-projekt, Bella Marckmann, 2014-2017)
SKILLRAIL (2009-2011) Hilda Rømer Christensen was partner in the EU programme SKILLRAIL under the European Union's Research and Innovation Funding programme for 2007-2013 (FP7). SKILLRAIL is short for 'Education and training actions for high-skilled job opportunities in the railway sector'.
Read more about the programme on CORDIS-EU -
TRANSGEN (2007) was a Special Support Action intended to work up the knowledge base for future research and interventions in the European Seventh Framework Programme by linking gender mainstreaming and the thematic area of transport. The project was connected to the former Coordination for Gender Research.
Read more about the project (on our English project page) -
FEMCIT (2007-2011) Gendered Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: The Impact of Contermporary Women's Movements. The project was studying how citizenship is gendered, and how women, as ordinary citizens and activists, have been involved in challenging inequalities and injustice across Europe. The project was connected to the former Coordination for Gender Researh.
Read more about FEMCIT here (University of Oslo webpage)