Nightscapes: Contested Mono-Affective Spaces of Pleasure

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

The article take the freedom to research a group of regular clubbers that navigate on the edges of acceptable clubbing behaviour. The cases deal with clubbers that have been excluded but insist on re-gaining access to a nightclub. The cases highlight the allure of the club space, while the controversies regarding access to the nightclub highlight how affects, drugs, alcohol and space become relevant. The theoretical framework on affects includes aspects such as alcohol and other drugs, but rejects a one-sided view of how alcohol and other drugs affects people. I argue that the affective (drinking) space is an assembly of much more than alcohol and other drugs alone. As such, this framework opens up for studying how bodies, nightclubs, behaviours and other material as well as social elements constitute the affects of clubbers.
TitelByen og blikkets lyst : festskrift til Henning Bech
RedaktørerMarie Bruvik Heinskou, Morten Emmerik Wøldike
ForlagCenter for Seksualitetsforskning
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-993544-5-0
StatusUdgivet - 2014
NavnSeksualiteter, Skriftrække fra Center for Seksualitetsforskning

ID: 106680518