Nye udgivelser
Forsker: Flygtninge og indvandrere udkonkurreres af arbejdsmigranter
12.03.2015 -
Migranter: De nye socialt udsatte
12.03.2015 -
Sexuality in transit – gender gaming and spaces of sexuality in late modernity
06.03.2015 -
LO og FTF's roller i forhandlingssystemerne
03.03.2015 -
New challenges for public services social dialogue
27.02.2015 -
New challenges for public services social dialogue
27.02.2015 -
Mapping the frontier of theory in industrial relations: the contested role of worker representation
24.02.2015 -
Mapping the frontier of theory in industrial relations: the contested role of worker representation
23.02.2015 -
Explanations and expectations: drug narratives among young cannabis users in treatment
19.02.2015 -
Mapping the frontier of theory in industrial relations
17.02.2015 -
Mapping the frontier of theory in industrial relations
17.02.2015 -
Økonomi og Arbejde i det 21. århundrede
20.01.2015 -
Økonomi og Arbejde i det 21. århundrede
15.01.2015 -
Mina sociologiska stationer - om utsikter och insikter
15.01.2015 -
Midlertidige øst-migranter udfordrer den danske model
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