Nye udgivelser
Abductive Cross-Case Comparison in Qualitative Research: Methodological Lessons from the Teamwork Study of Professional Change
16.02.2024 -
Giving and receiving: Gendered service work in academia
25.01.2024 -
Danish cattle veterinarians' perspectives on antimicrobial use: Contextual and individual influencing factors
06.12.2023 -
Different understandings of higher education: How students in Germany conceptualise the purpose and aims of higher education
21.11.2023 -
Exploring routinization and reflexivity in change and reproduction of consumption towards lower climate impact
14.11.2023 -
Group Styles of Justice or Service: How Ticket Inspectors Manage Contested Citizen Encounters
14.11.2023 -
Dietary transition requires work: exploring the practice-transition processes of young Danish meat reducers
31.10.2023 -
Policy Design for Research and Innovation
19.10.2023 -
Trepartssamarbejdet er fortsat robust og hyppigt anvendt
06.10.2023 -
Flexicurity på fremtidens arbejdsmarked - kontraktfleksibilitet og øget ulighed?
03.10.2023 -
Sundhedsprofessioner i forandring? Konfliktdynamikker i forebyggelsesarbejde på danske hospitaler
29.09.2023 -
Cosmopolitan nationalism as an analytical lens: Four articulations in education policy
19.09.2023 -
Sociological Foundations of Education
19.09.2023 -
Methods of Theorizing: A Call for Pluralism
19.09.2023 -
The Current State of Social Theory
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