Attitudes towards wind power development in Denmark

Publikation: Working paper


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  • Jacob Ladenburg
The present paper analyses the attitudes towards existing and future land-based turbines and off-shore wind farms. The analysis is carried out using a probit model to elicit systematic characteristics determining the attitude of the population. The analyses show that off-shore development is preferred to land based development, which indicates that the wind power development should be taken off-shore. But, the results also point out that the land-based opportunities for wind power development are not exhausted. On a more detailed level, the results denote that the attitude towards both land based and off-shore wind power vary with age of the respondents and experience with wind turbines. Younger respondents are more positive towards wind power than older respondents, pointing towards an increase in acceptance in the future. The attitude was also found to covariate negatively with the experiences and level of exposure to the impacts of wind turbines.
UdgiverDen Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, Fødevareøkonimisk Institut
Antal sider52
StatusUdgivet - 2006
NavnIFRO Working Paper

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