Dialogue and critique: On the theoretical conditions of a critique of society

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Social science has never been totally restricted to the task of describing and explaining what goes on in society. It has always also-more or less on the margin-included a critique of society.1 Critique is to be seen as a part of academic work, institutionalized within the framework of science (paradigmatic research, journals, conferences, academic careers, networks, textbooks, courses). Such critique can be understood as related to ordinary critique similar to the way in which scientific descriptions and explanations are related to descriptions and explanations in everyday life.

TitelDemocracy in Dialogue, Dialogue in Democracy : The Politics of Dialogue in Theory and Practice
Antal sider19
ForlagTaylor and Francis/Routledge
Publikationsdato1 jan. 2016
ISBN (Trykt)9781472448972
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781317153139
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2016

ID: 251903864