Nye udgivelser
Ustabilitet i kollektive forhandlinger skader konkurrenceevnen
11.10.2016 -
I grænselandet mellem lov og overenskomst
04.10.2016 -
Social Pathologies of Contemporary Modernity
22.09.2016 -
Book: The Danish Model Inside Out
07.09.2016 -
Ny bog giver perspektiver på Den Danske Model
07.09.2016 -
Når steder får en stil - Unges forhandlinger af identitet, stil og tilhør
25.08.2016 -
Public Sector Industrial Conflicts in Denmark and Norway
22.08.2016 -
Comparative Analysis of Danish and Swedish Industrial Relations
22.08.2016 -
Forandringer i den danske og svenske model
22.08.2016 -
Lærerkonflikt i Danmark og Norge - samme udgangspunkt, forskelligt udfald
22.08.2016 -
Expertise and Ambivalence in User-Focused Human Service Work
22.08.2016 -
Behavioral and statistical models of educational inequality
03.08.2016 -
Mixing politics and crime–the prevalence and decline of political discourse on the cryptomarket
06.07.2016 -
Sympathy and misery in families with drinking problems
30.06.2016 -
From living wage to living hours – the Nordic version of the working poor
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